Saturday, February 1, 2025

Scenic Sunday # 1

 Scenic Sunday

When I first started blogging all those years ago, I discovered a community.   Eventually, I discovered themed posts where not only you could share photos, but you could interact with others in a different way.   One of of my favorites was Scenic Sunday.   I decided today to relaunch this theme.   If it becomes popular, maybe I can retool it for some other themes that are no longer active.  

Anyway!  Welcome!  

Please, link this blog, either using one of the images below or directly.  



  1. Thanks for adding the Mondays Music Moves Me link up to your post. I would join but I'm struggling keeping up with what I'm currently involved in. Thanks for joining the fun!

    1. Perhaps, sometime when you can participate you will. :-)

    2. In the future when things become more settled then I'll try to join the fun.

      I noticed perhaps some of your participators are connecting to my music linky party. You may want to add them to yours and then remove my linky code from your post so others won't be confused. ;)


Scenic Sunday # 5

 Mayan Ruins in Cozumel, Mexico. "It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no ...